Discard.no is a set of self-hosted services. While intended for mostly personal usage, there is (for the most part) nothing preventing others from using them.
For abuse: abuse@discard.no
Any other enquiries: alex@discard.no
Services marked with are compatible with LibRedirect.
⚠️ Logging: Basic access logging (containing IP addresses, request path, request timestamp and HTTP user agent) is done for each service (standard NGINX access logs).
Logs are automatically rotated (deleted) every 2 days (48 hours) by logrotate and only kept temporarily so I can investigate any potential abuse (e.g. excessive scraping), but it's something you should be aware of in any regard.
Service name | URL | Location | Provider | Description / Project URL |
ProxiTok | tok.discard.no | 🇳🇱 Amsterdam, Netherlands | Hybula |
redlib * | redlib.discard.no | 🇳🇴 Sandefjord, Norway | Gigahost |
Rimgo | rimgo.discard.no | 🇱🇺 Luxembourg, Luxembourg | BuyVM / Frantech |
Send - File uploading & sharing | send.discard.no | 🇳🇴 Sandefjord, Norway | Gigahost | Send - A maintained fork of the now discontinued Firefox Send |
For cost-saving reasons, the instance of Send has been migrated to 🇳🇴 Sandefjord, Norway on February 23rd, 2024.
Public Invidious instances are no longer being provided as of Feb 13th, 2024.
Nitter is no longer supported as of Dec 29th, 2023.
* libreddit is now Redlib. See GitHub issue #836 & issue #840 for more details.
Links to certain providers are affiliate links to help cover hosting costs.
A status page (status.discard.no) is available for these services, hosted using Uptime Kuma.